Chart Types:
- Close price
- OpenHighLowClose
- Candlestick
- Moving (also exp moving)
- Stochastic + move
- MACD + signal
Other functions will be implemented soon !!!
Stochastic 20/80 with opt
3 other very simple ones
Other formulas will be implemented soon !!!
Plot Type:
- DashedLine
- SolidLine
- SolidLineThick
- Filled
- Bar
- Any RGB value is accepted
- RGB change by % which creates transparant colors
Days in Chart:
For calculating we use the REAL date, not just the number of data.
Possible at the moment are the following nr days that I like, although maybe not to the
- 7 (1 week)
- 14 (2 weeks)
- 30 (1 month
- 60 (2 months)
- 90 (3 months)
- 180 (6 months)
- 360 (1 year)
Background Image:
Any Indexed PNG file can be used as a background. Although it needs
to have a few unused colors, for our own use. It IS possible to try to
match the used colors with any inside the backround image. But I thought
it would be to timeconsuming to try that with every color all the time.
Just make sure you get a good background image, you can even simply reduce
the colors with "The Gimp".
Any True Type Font (TTF) is supported for the text inside the charts.
This will be read by the config-file. Compiling is not needed to change the
How many chart and data do I get in one PNG-file ?
The maximum charts in 1 png-file is set to 10, but that is a #define, can be
changed if anyone needs more. The maximum data per chart is 20, also just a #define.
I don't think anyone would need more than 20 data-lines in 1 chart...
How do I change my charts ?
In the config-file you set the x1,x2 values. They are the same for all the charts. Now
you set the y1, y2 for all the charts you want to draw. That means that you can indeed
even draw charts into another chart. For example you can add a short volume chart into
the "close" chart. Best is to use transparant colors in these situations :)